
Have any questions?
Take a look at our frequently asked questions.

  • QRegistering and changing password

    1. Initial password is
    2. Erasing the password is not enabled.
    3. When new password is set, previous password is automatically deleted.
    4. Password can only be set with number pad(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
    5. Set up button (S) is in the main body, after removing the battery cover.
    6. Check the password after setup with the door open.

    [Setting/Changing Password]
    ① Press Set up button (S) once
    ② Input new password (4 to 10 digits)
    ③ Press Set up button (S) once again to finish.

  • QRegistering/changing/deleting card key

    1. Multiple card keys must be registered all together at the same time.
    2. When new card key is registered all previous card keys are automatically deleted.
    3. When you lose one of the card keys, register all other card keys you possess and the lost card key is deleted.
    4. Set up button (S) is in the main body, after removing the battery cover.
    5. Set up button is the cogwheel shaped icon right side of the 0 number pad.
    6. After registering card keys, test all card keys and check whether authentication is proper for all keys.

    [Setting/Changing Card Key]
    ① Press Set up button (S) once
    ② Touch the card key, wait for beep sound (Repeat for multiple card keys)
    ③ Press Set up button (S) once again to finish.

    [Deleting all card keys]
    ① Press password
    ② Press set up button in number pad (Cogwheel icon)
    ③ Press 2 and then 3
    ④ Press password again
    ⑤ Press set up button again to finish.

  • QHow many card keys can be registered?

    Keyin products can normally register 99 card keys..
    ※ Specific models can have different specifications. Check each model's manual for accurate specifications.

  • QTurning off alarm sound.

    If alarm continues even after below actions, check installation environment or contact service center.

    [Turning off from outisde]
    Authenticate the lock using registered key (password, card, fingerprint etc)

    [Turning off from inside]
    Press open close button for 5 seconds / Press Set up button (S) for 5 seconds

  • QSetting Auto locking / Manual locking

    [Auto Locking Setting]
    Press password -> Press number pad set up button (cogwheel icon) -> Press 6, 1 -> Press set up button (cogwheel icon) again to finish

    [Manual Locking Setting]
    Press password -> Press number pad set up button (cogwheel icon) -> Press 6, 3 -> Press set up button (cogwheel icon) again to finish
    ※ When in manual locking mode, press open close button to lock from inside, or touch the outer touch pad for 1 second to lock from outside

  • QSetting volume

    Volume can be set in 7 stages from mute to highest volume.
    Error sound, alert, system sound in settings are all set to maximum volume regardless of volume setting.

    [Volume setup]
    Press password -> Press number pad set up button (cogwheel icon) -> Press 8 -> Press 1 (increase volume) or 3 (decrease volume) -> Press set up button (cogwheel icon) again to finish

  • QUnlocking 3 min lockdown

    When unauthorized authentication is input 5 consecutive times, the lock sets itself to lockdown mode for 3 minutes. During this lockdown no authentication is authorized. After lockdown, in the first authentication, fake password is limited.

    [Unlocking 3 min lockdown]
    1. There is no way to unset lockdown from outside. After 3 minutes lockdown is automatically unset with a beep sound.
    2. From the inside, lockdown can be unset by pressing open/close button or manual knob.

  • Q'Fake password' to prevent password exposure

    1. 'Fake password' is allowing fake password in the front or back of the real password to prevent password exposure.
    2. When password input is wrong, users can continue pressing real password and lock will be authenticated with this 'Face password' feature.
    3. 'Fake password' is not enabled in manager mode.

    [How to use]
    Press password + fake numbers or fake numbers + password + open button

  • QCan I register NFC enabled smart phone or credit cards?

    Only card keys supplied by Keyin is enabled for register due to security reasons.

  • QManager mode

    Keyin lock can be changed to Manager mode, with more managing functions than normal mode. Manager can grant access to multiple users in manager mode.

    1. Manager password is essential in setting authentication to users.
    2. Authentications(password, card, fingerprint etc) can be registered and deleted to each users.
    3. When lock is changed to manager mode, all authentications are reset and thus deleted.
    4. In manager mode, 1 manager password, 99 user passwords, 99 card keys, and 99 fingerprints can be registered.
    5. 'Fake password' is enabled in manager mode..
    6. Manager password cannot be reset. If manager password is forgotten, you need to contact our service team.

    [Changing mode from normal to manager]
    Press password -> Press number pad set up button (cogwheel icon) -> Press 99-> Press manager password to register -> Press manager password again -> Press set up button (cogwheel icon) again to finish

    [Changing mode from manager to normal]
    Press password -> Press number pad set up button (cogwheel icon) -> Press 99-> Press password to register -> Press password again -> Press set up button (cogwheel icon) again to finish

  • QWhat is the door thickness supported for installation?

    Basic specification is door thickness of 40~50mm.

    Door thickness of 35mm~40mm needs to be checked by specialists before installation.

    Door thickness of over 50mm is possible for installation but needs additional parts. Maximum of 80mm can be intalled with this additional part but differs in various environments.

  • QCan the lock be installed in places exposed to sun ray and rain?

    If the lock is directly exposed to rain, water can be permeated into the product causing malfunction.
    Direct sun ray can cause discoloration or crack. High temperature can trigger alarms, thus installation to direct sun ray is not recommended.

  • QI forgot the passord

    When there is someone inside, new authentication can be set. If there is no one inside, you need to contact our service team.

    [Password registeration]
    ① Press Set up button (S) once
    ② Press new password (4~10 digits)
    ③ Press Set up button (S) once again to finish.

  • QI lost my card key

    1. Re-register all card keys except the lost one and the lock will reset the previous registeration and only maintain last registered cards.
    2. All card keys can be deleted also.

    [Card key registeration]
    ① Press Set up button (S) once
    ② Touch key pad with card keys until you hear beep sound (Repeat for multiple cards)
    ③ Press Set up button (S) once again to finish.

    [Card key complete deletion]
    ① Press password
    ② Press Set up button in key pad (cogwheel icon)
    ③ Press 2 3
    ④ Press password again
    ⑤ Press Set up button in key pad (cogwheel icon) again to finish

  • QHow long will the battery last?

    Normally, the battery will last for 8~12 months.
    However, difference in usage(such as Bluetooth connection) will change duration accordingly.

    When a musical signal is sounded by the lock, it is time to change the battery.
    In this case, change all 4 batteries to 1.5V AA alkaline cells.

    ※ Due to battery properties, leakage can occur damaging the lock in below conditions.
    - When battery is not replaced after the musical signal alarm.
    - When part of the batteries are replaced not all at once.
    - When a broken battery is used.
    - When batteries with different manufactures are used together.

  • QHow do I open the lock when battery is discharged?

    In case the battery is fully discharged, emergency electricity can be connected using temporary power outlet.
    Battery connection must be maintained until the lock is fully unlocked.

    [How to use]
    ① Prepare 1 9V alkaline battery
    ② Contact 9V battery to the outside temporary power outlet -> Wait for the power on melody
    ③ While keeping contact of the battery, authenticate the lock.

  • QWhere can I get user manual?

    You can download all manuals from our website. [Customer -> User Manual]